The Pace Immigration Podcast

Deportation Concerns: Illegal Entry vs Overstay

Pace Immigration Season 3 Episode 6

Does the US distinguish between those who enter the country illegally vs. those who enter legally but overstay their visa? What if you are married to a US citizen, can you adjust your status while in the US and not have to leave the country? Immigration lawyer Michael O'Rourke has the answers.
0:00: Illegal entry vs. Overstay
2:45: Entered the country illegally but want to remain in the US, or come back to the US
3:45: Process for getting back to the United States
8:08: Virtual weddings?
9:19: Overstayed your visa
10:57: What if you're married to a US citizen?
11:23: The 180 day rule
12:25 Unlawful presence
14:38 Contact Michael

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